end of module evaluation

This module has been quite a nice surprise for me, in terms of the briefs set and also my own responses to those briefs. I have been able to explore a more personal approach to my work than i feel i have been able to in other modules and briefs, and uncover a number of skills I have yet to develop in other areas. One of those is photography, of which i am by no means a master, but i have enjoyed the processes of finding suitable locations and subjects and being able to manipulate these into a final outcome. I've also been able to attempt some more illustration based work which i've really enjoyed. I think the main factor behind this have been more open briefs which, while unrealistic in a professional work environment, has made me want to put more time and effort into personal projects that i can develop my various skills, which can then influence my working practice.

Another factor has been the issue of time - obviously with limited 3 hour sessions, week long deadlines, and running concordantly with other modules, for me, there has been a greater emphasis on thrashing out ideas quicker and more exactly than on some other, longer briefs/modules. It seems to suit my way of working better than a large amount of time dedicated to research, and, while it's still an important part of any brief for context and to inform the final outcome (which i still need to work on), it has felt more like a work environment with short deadlines and quick turnovers, and i have enjoyed that.

I have come to realise through this module that I am quite a multi-faceted designer; my skills are broad and sit within many mediums and methods of working. However, i also realise my limitations, and would like to work more in certain areas to imrove myself and my practice. At the moment it feels like i'm OK at many things, rather than great at a few, and i would like to develop the skills i've been able to explore in Image to become great at them. Time is, again, always an issue, however less so than in recent past and i feel like i'm getting the hang of setting an effective timeframe for multiple modules and briefs and working towards them. My blog is a weakness, and is one that i started to work really well with but have slacked off recently in. Documentation of work is fine, and i have all the imformation/images/evaluation of work gathered and collected, its just the process of uploading that seems to have slipped by me, and is definately something that needs to be addressed.

5 things i would do differently:

1. Managing many projects at once. I've been much better at this than before, yet when deadlines for modules come i lose focus on one to concentrate on the other rather than having a measure of each.

2. Do more research. By this i mean more in depth research in a shorter time.

3. Don't be afraid to express myself through different mediums and techniques.

4. Record and evaluate as i work rather than in chunks at stages.

5. Have fun with the work i do.

Attendance = 5
Punctuality = 5
Motivation = 3
Commitment = 4
Quantity of work produced = 2
Quality of work produced = 4
Contribution to the group = 3


5 - Do You Want Me To Help You?

6 - I Know, I Know

7 - She Forgot her Name Yeah?